Help your clients overcome these behavioural pitfalls

“We all harbour cognitive and emotional biases that can lead us to place greater value on instinct than an objective perspective… At times like this, it is the job of the adviser to act as a voice of reason, to remind clients they are investing to meet longer-term financial requirements and to demonstrate how their short-term biases and behaviours are endangering the likelihood of meeting their investment objectives.”
Help your clients overcome these behavioural pitfalls (John Lester)
The client experience
How to avoid the biggest mistakes when writing a will (Cheryl Winokur Munk)
What does a meaningful life really look like? (Evidence-Based Investor)
Retirement advice is needed now more than ever (Nigel Peaple)
The advisory profession
How will AI technology affect the advice profession? (Ian McKenna)
Are you prioritising innovation over skill? (Dr. Bert Shlensky)
Finance needs more positive influencers (Kimberley Dondo)
Work and business
Making mistakes is part of the process (Eric Soda)
The simple phone call still has a role to play (Matthew Boyle)
The new research improving our understanding of burnout in the workplace (Catherine Taylor)
Adviser marketing
How to seed organic marketing in a video-first world (Ayelet Israeli, Leonard A. Schlesinger, Matt Higgins)
Essential elements to any adviser firm website (Kirby Mack)
Five marketing tactics that bring results (Justin Adams)
Through our partners at Regis Media, TEBI provides a wide range of high-quality content for financial advice and planning firms. The material is designed to help educate clients and to engage with prospects.
As well as exclusive content, we also offer a wide range of pre-produced videos which explain how investing works and the valuable role that a good financial adviser can play.
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