What’s the most effective way to invest in your own business?

“I always like to see where money is spent in the areas clients don’t see – the areas that sit quietly behind the scenes. These are often the areas that add depth to the business and the team in ways that may not be so obvious at first glance.”
What’s the most effective way to invest in your own business? (Michelle Hoskin)
The client experience
The value of focussing on the here and now in client meetings (Meghaan Lurtz)
How much is enough to comfortably retire? (Ben Carlson)
Help your clients to be aware of worrisome online scams (Bruce Adams)
The advisory profession
Is the advice profession “recession-proof”? (Devin McGinley)
Work and business
What does work-life balance mean in a changing world? (Kate Morgan)
Keeping vigilant with your business’ cybersecurity (Bret Arsenault)
Humans still have the edge of tools like ChatGPT (Torsten Bell)
Adviser marketing
How to use the right language to communicate your message (Jane Wollman Rusoff)
Through our partners at Regis Media, TEBI provides a wide range of high-quality content for financial advice and planning firms. The material is designed to help educate clients and to engage with prospects.
As well as exclusive content, we also offer a wide range of pre-produced videos which explain how investing works and the valuable role that a good financial adviser can play.
If you would like to find out more, why not visit the Regis Media website and YouTube channel? If you have any specific enquiries, email Robin Powell, who will be happy to help you.